Your installation – Get started

Your installation – Get started

How to get you EV charge unit installed by One Eco Charge
Simply – call us or email us, this will be the quickest way to get the ball rolling, we can discuss your needs, answer any questions you may have and guide you through the online survey process each step of the way.

Complete your survey
We will send you a link/email to complete a survey, it’s quick and simple, and if you should need help we will be here to guide you. Make sure you submit all the information required so we can provide you with an accurate quote, this way you can make an informed decision.

You’re Quote for installation
We will look into your requirements and provide you with a quote for install, this quote will be emailed to you. If you are eligible for a grant, then this will be included in you quotation.

On most cases we will only ask for a maximum of 50% payment up front, the rest will be paid up on completion – the lead time of the installation could be as little as 2 weeks depending on what charger you have chosen.

OLEV Grant
Before install we will be in touch to gather information for your OLEV grant application, we will guide you through this process.

Please be aware, although we submit your application on your behalf, we cannot approve the applications. This application could take up to 4 months to be approved. We will apply the grant discount at the payment stage but you may be liable to pay this if your claim is rejected – help us help you with the documents required.

DNO – Distribution Network Operator
Before anything happens we will have to notify your DNO on your behalf. This ensures that all installs are conducted safely and that they will not affect the supply to the property or grid. Response times from the DNO approval may vary and is out of our control. The DNO my need to visit your property, they could charge you for any potential works such as unlooping a looped supply in your area. Any works charged by the DNO is out of One Eco Charge control.

Install Date
Once we have your charger, or the charger has been delivered direct to you, The DNO have been notified and grant form filled out and checked, we are good to go, time to book your install date.